
How to give happier TODAY! (Giving Tuesday Dec 1, 2020)

This special edition is out on Tuesday instead of the usual Wednesday because it happens to coincide with the worldwide GivingTuesday movement to encourage people to do good and inspire generosity, which results in many organizations matching your donation TODAY (only for most organizations) to make it 2x or even 3x!

If you’ve already lost interest in this post because you’re “not the type to donate money”, don’t stop reading yet. There are actually good and “selfish” reasons you should actually give money today! This is a judgement-free zone as to WHY you give, as long as you give. So if you don’t want to give for reasons like stopping climate change, saving the earth, or helping starving children, you can at least do it to make yourself feel happier.

First things first. When someone says, “Money doesn’t buy happiness,” my response to them is, “Then you don’t know how to spend properly.”

Money in and of itself does not lead to happiness. However, money can be a vehicle for happiness. Obviously one needs to be above the poverty line to feel a sense of security and safety (i.e., having reliable shelter and food), which are foundational human needs. And beyond that, money can buy happiness in multiple ways.