
Being productive isn’t the same as being alive

Something weird happened to me a few weeks ago.

For some background: I am a crazy Type A planner who feels the need to plan her entire day in 30-min increments in her calendar, uses this as a time tracker to see where I’m spending my time and how long things actually take (has that “only 1 hour” project ever only been 1 hour? No! I know about planning fallacy, topic for a future post, and I should know by now to multiply any new project timeline at least 2-3x its original optimistic estimate), and tries to cram as many things into her day as possible to feel super productive.

So what happened: A few weeks ago, it was one of those days that I nailed all the things on my to-do list starting from 6:15am to 10pm. Here is a screenshot of my actual Google calendar of that day. (Yes I put in “shower” time or else I forget I need to include “shower” time into my day and “showering” actually takes time! You think I joke…Also, any GTD folks will see I don’t use the GTD method well as, I list other things beyond the “hard landscapes” into my calendar…I’m working on it!)

Was I productive? Yes! I fucking nailed it that day in terms of self/home care, creating, being organized, networked, and even did coaching for a prospective client.

But did I feel human? No!