
Why I no longer argue with people who don't wear masks (and what to do instead)

The more I learn about psychology--the science of the mind, emotion, and behaviour--the more I'm disappointed in human beings as a species, due to the crazy amount of cognitive biases we have, among other issues.

But it also helps me become more at peace with people and human nature, mainly when I'm at my best, compassionate self or, conversely, when I'm at my "I really don't have time or energy for this sh*t" self.

There is one key concept that has helped me become at peace and no longer argue with people who choose to not wear masks, who choose to not believe in Covid, and who doesn't try to understand what "asymptomatic carrier" means.

For those of you who are on the right side of history, I hope this post helps you become more at peace with other irrational human's behaviours and thought processes.

That concept is called "motivated reasoning."