What is Coaching?

"If the pursuit of excellence was easy, everyone would do it." ~Christopher Sommer, Olympic Coach

Benefits of Coaching

  • Clarity on a large or small decision

  • Overcome obstacles

  • Strategies to rock at business and work

  • Up your performance to the next level

  • Unlock your potential

  • Motivation to take action

  • Better self-awareness

  • Build a more meaningful life

  • See a future of possibilities

  • Get shit done


The Coaching Process

Coaching begins with the idea that the Coachees have the answers within themselves, because who else would know the full context and nuances of a situation better than the Coachee?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as,

"partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential."

The key here is that it's a partnership; as a Coach, I'm here to partner with you on your exploration and journey. The answer comes from you; I just help you get out of your own way. When Coachees ask me, "What should I do?" I do not provide them with the answer; I push them to explore, reflect, and dig deeper to find the answers already within themselves. Only when the Coachee has exhausted all avenues that I offer stories or my psychological expertise to help spark a new realization and push you outside your comfort zone.

Coaching is not going to be comfortable; it's my job to challenge my Coachees' limiting assumptions, help them grow, and think harder. In fact, during coaching sessions, more than one of my Coachees have said, "Coaching is hard!" because they had to think and reflect deeper to find their own answers instead of the easier way of me telling them what they should do.

Because of this, Coaching differs from Consulting, where the consultant has the answers and tells clients what the best solution is. 

Coaching focuses on goals, and looks into the future. It is unlike Counselling, which tends to focus more on examining the past. In this manner, Coaching may not be for you if you are still triggered by past trauma. But with a PhD in Psychology, I am equipped to identify if my Coachee needs to see a licensed therapist and will refer them when necessary. But like Counselling,

Coaching is confidential and safe. I'm here to be my Coachees' champion and confidante!

Are you ready to solve that problem? Expand your empire? And rock it at life?


“Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.” ~Susan David, PhD, Author of Emotional Agility